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n. A shop selling miscellaneous items of questionable value.

Usage examples of "junkshop".

In a junkshop on Tagnetergasse he managed to scare up an old SA uniform dating back to the heroic period before the seizure of power.

On four old-fashioned high wheels there rolled, in the summer of 1932, a black-enameled, slightly decrepit baby carriage which Eddi Amsel the high school student, who knew all the junkshops, had negotiated in Tagnetergasse.

Sloat had seen the toy soldier in the window of a junkshop in the odd little town of Point Venuti, California —.

Sloat had seen the toy soldier in the window of a junkshop in the odd little town of Point Venuti, California - a town in which he had great interest.