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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
jungle gym
▪ He turned to me and nodded gravely, and five minutes later he was hanging from the jungle gym beside another boy.
▪ The place looked like a jungle gym.
jungle gym

n. A play structure designed for children to climb on, traditionally constructed as a frame of metal bars as introduced in 1920.

jungle gym

n. a structure of vertical and horizontal rods where children can climb and play

Jungle gym

The jungle gym, monkey bars, or climbing frame, is a piece of playground equipment made of many pieces of material, such as metal pipe or rope, on which children can climb, hang, or sit. The monkey bar designation refers to the rambunctious, climbing play of monkeys.

Usage examples of "jungle gym".

Maybe they'd have to do something equally crazy at Fort Belvoir, he hoped, finishing the last item on the jungle gym.

When I reached the room, I was a little surprised to see the boys climbing over the beds as if they were a jungle gym.

Sometimes a roughly car-sized dust devil would glide across the four-square courts and between the swingsets and score a direct hit on the jungle gym, which was an old-fashioned, unpadded, child-paralyzing unit hammered together by some kind of Dark Ages ironmonger and planted in solid concrete, a real school-of-hard-knocks, survival-of-the-fittest one.

The dust devil would seem to pause as it enveloped the jungle gym.

But then suddenly the dust devil would reappear on the other side of the jungle gym and keep going.

To the left of the driveway were the jungle gym and swings and a tire suspended from three chains, which the kids could swing on and rotate around while other kids pushed.

Several boys stood atop the jungle gym like sentries, and Garraty was reminded of the men in the lumberyard a ways back.

A small boy with a tousled head of hair jumped up and down on the top level of the jungle gym, waving with both arms.

Heather pushed Josh off the jungle gym and he has blood coming out of his nose.

But the bookcases were fastened to a cobblie jungle gym, and children’.

He was gazing into the sky above the jungle gym, lost in his own world.

The suit was cut well, but Nathan's posture was i ' ble-it was like trying to dress a jungle gym.

A complex collection of rusty iron pipes formed a sort of dome, and hung inside the kindergarten jungle gym was a series of tiny iron cages, more dead jammed inside, some still possessing faces, one prisoner's arm extended through the bars clawing for freedom.

To someone watching from beyond the space station it would have looked as if she were scampering along upside down, but to Pancho it seemed as if the space station was over her head and she was swinging like a kid in a zero-gee jungle gym.