Crossword clues for jumpsuits
n. (plural of jumpsuit English)
Usage examples of "jumpsuits".
Sprawled on the ground in her line of sight were the unmoving forms of the nearest Conquerors, their jumpsuits spattered with very humanlike red blood.
The infiltrators instantly began to rustle beneath their jumpsuits for their gnulliths, but Viqi pulled her hold-out blaster from its hiding place and started after die droid.
Two Secret Service agents were seated unobtrusively, in Moonbase jumpsuits, in the front row.
A group of technicians, wearing Moonbase jumpsuits, came up one of the ramps and strolled along a walkway, headed for the administration building.
Men in cargo hauler jumpsuits unloaded the sealed packages of replacement computerware: perfectly sandwiched circuits grown in orbit, sapphire films laid down in impedance paths on wafers, then sliced into specially patterned chips that followed old templates from Earth.
They were dressed in tight-fitting footed jumpsuits of a dark shimmery material, with no insignia or other ornamentation that Pheylan could see.
Pheylan could see that their jumpsuits were a different design from those his shipboard escort were wearing.
Green cowls and jumpsuits, pyrite cubes and saltwater were losing their hold over the average mind.
Selena adjusted their jumpsuits so that only their eyes were unmuffled by the warm cocoon of Rynlon ingenuity.
For good measure he added a few more items from out black jumpsuits and putting them on.
There were other groups Blackhawk helicopter, blades folded, had already been of men already on board, some dressed in gray jumpsuits, placed inside the first C-130.
She turned toward the satchel holding their jumpsuits and lightsabers.
The Jedi huddled down in their armored jumpsuits, their blades tracing crackling color fans as they batted insects from the air.