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n. One who supervises the jumping of paratroopers or other parachutists from an aeroplane.


Jumpmasters are the expert paratroopers in an airborne unit who train and teach the military techniques for jumping from airplanes. They are responsible for training soldiers who enter Army Airborne School into paratroopers and managing airborne jump operations in airborne units across all branches of services.

Usage examples of "jumpmaster".

The Beechcraft also had an autopilot so that the pilot could come back and shut the door after a jump, eliminating the necessity of a jumpmaster or copilot.

The jumpmaster walked casually out to the edge of the ramp and looked down while Kendra swallowed.

Like none of our pilots have any experience as a jumpmaster who can decide on winds and crap like that.

We can put one of our sergeants in the back seat of each aircraft to act as jumpmaster, and they can help you navigate.

He ducked back in and looked at the jumpmaster who held up two fingers.

C-130 pilots up front and the jumpmaster, there was a platoon of commandos aboard.

He looked at the Air Force jumpmaster, whose tilted head indicated he was listening to instructions from the cockpit on his helmet intercom.

The jumpmaster reached out as though to grab him and Dale slapped his hand away.

The other jumpers brushed past the protesting jumpmaster and followed him out into the dark.

The jumpmasters pushed their men up the steps, each of them carrying at least 100 pounds, many 150 pounds.

Her touching inability to routinize the procedure, briskly wrap the deceased in sheets for the ride in the disguised gurney past unsuspecting patients and visitors down to the refrigerated drawers, and each one of those white mummies she prepared with her own hands she could remember by chart, by ward, by face, information she couldn't seem to lose, along with an image of herself as grim jumpmaster on a jumbo transport, holding the door for each numbered processee to sail out -- into what?