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jumper cables

n. (jumper cable English)

Usage examples of "jumper cables".

He put it behind the overturned easy chair, then got the jumper cables and coiled them beside the battery.

Once free of the hatch, the two divers went to a sealed compartment on the side of the sub and pulled out a long, thick electrical cord, like a giant set of jumper cables.

Stranger still, though, was the way the two of them were joined together by an elaborate network of jumper cables.

She was about his age, her name was Mary, she was up from the States for a music festival, and she had, not only a set of jumper cables, but a set long enough to reach from her battery to his.

Well, as a matter of fact I did have a set of jumper cables in my boot, but I didn't much like LeBay guessing it.

A row of cabinets held push brooms, cleaning supplies, and jumper cables for stalled cars in the parking area.

There was a battery on the ground beside the cab, and he was getting set to attach the jumper cables.

Most of them were just doing it in their Levi's and Timberland's, but the star of the show was a person in a gorilla suit with a big steel colander over his head with a pair of jumper cables clamped on to it.