Crossword clues for jumbles
Usage examples of "jumbles".
And between them, maybe two hundred feet of pitfalls and crumbling pathways, jumbles of fallen, hexagonal pillars, and dizzy causeways over crevasses which, for all she knew, might well go down to the roots of the mountains.
In places the path was obscured, almost obliterated, where recent falls had crashed down and caved-in the paving stones or hurled them aside, forming angular granite piles and jumbles of rock which were almost crystalline in their nitre-fused shapes.
He scrambled up above the tree level, and so came into view of the men who had followed him up through the scree jumbles of the foothills.
The thrall landed his mount at the foot of the suspect aerie, went striding into the scree jumbles, and disappeared.
Indeed to her keen eyes and senses there was now a clearly discernible track between scattered boulders, across gaping fissures, and through the treacherous scree jumbles of the high, narrow passes.
Their bases were fortified with scree jumbles, but in their columns were ledges and caverns, many of which were vast as halls.
These jumbles of toppled stone, their configurations, seemed so familiar they were like memories in themselves.
And skimming towards the pair, weaving from side to side as it avoided the jagged crests of rock jumbles and the jutting fangs of lone boulders, a second manta flyer reached out its prehistoric neck and spatulate head, and the pouch in its underside yawned open where the neck joined the body.
Or perhaps it was simply that dwelling in the stack's 'basement', as it were - in Guilesump, level with the scree jumbles and so open to attack from the ground - Gorvi had come to feel more and more vulnerable.
The Ferenc strode where the way was obvious and unobstructed, inched along where it was made obscure by jumbles, or where the uneven ceiling came down low, or where blisters of lava had burst to form jagged-rimmed, circular cusps of rock like small craters in the almost corrugated texture of the floor.