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n. (plural of jugger English)

Usage examples of "juggers".

Behind came the ponderous Juggers, grunting, gurgling, teeth clashing together with the vibration of their steps.

Nevertheless, the attack served its own purpose, allowing him to bring his knights, Fiends and Juggers down from Northguard before Carcolo could gain the heights of Barch Spike.

Avoid committing our Juggers, harry him with Termagants, reserve the Murderers to strike wherever he reaches the edge.

A few difficult mavericks like Dan Cravath and Simon Juggers north of Chugwater were shot, but everyone knew that they had been stealing calves and it was conceded that the range was better off without them.

Golden Banbeck, in his turn, developed the Juggers, but allowed an uneasy truce to continue.

Bring me a dozen sound Juggers, you may depart with a hundred children of your choice.

There Joaz Banbeck may be expected to discover you, and you must deploy so that when he brings up his Juggers you can topple them back with Fiends.

Flanking the Juggers marched the Fiends, carrying heavy cutlasses, flourishing their terminal steel balls as a scorpion carries his sting.

And if we venture out on Starbreak Fell his Juggers will destroy us in minutes.

And now Carcolo hastened the pace, haunted by the anxiety that Joaz Banbeck might bring his Fiends and Juggers up Banbeck Scarp before he arrived to thrust him back — assuming that Joaz Banbeck in all actuality had been caught napping.

His Fiends burrowed ever deeper into the crazed and almost helpless Banbeck Juggers, while the Carcolo Murderers and Blue Horrors held back the Banbeck Fiends.

The Fiends slit its belly, and now Carcolo had only five Juggers left.

Two of the Juggers had been blinded, and could fight no more till they had grown new eyes.

A sense of imminence weighted the air, and here came the Juggers, looming through the passages.