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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Joyous \Joy"ous\, a. [OE. joyous, joious, joios, F. joyeux.See Joy.] Glad; gay; merry; joyful; also, affording or inspiring joy; with of before the word or words expressing the cause of joy.

Is this your joyous city?
--Is. xxiii. 7.

They all as glad as birds of joyous prime.

And joyous of our conquest early won.

Syn: Merry; lively; blithe; gleeful; gay; glad; mirthful; sportive; festive; joyful; happy; blissful; charming; delightful. -- Joy"ous*ly, adv. -- Joy"ous*ness, n.


adv. In a joyful manner; joyfully.


adv. in a joyous and gleeful manner; "the old man had greeted her gleefully" [syn: gleefully, joyfully] [ant: joylessly]

Usage examples of "joyously".

His death was sadly, his resurrection joyously, celebrated every year at Byblus with great pomp and universal interest.

She seemed to him deep and exciting, and intelligent and beautiful, joyously different from a man, completely free and happy in her femaleness, unapologetically, exultantly female.

The girls squealed with delight, and throwing aside all ceremony, they embraced Juba joyously.

And, provided with a lentil, he lighted a fire of dead wood that crackled joyously.

The whole episode had been as satisfying as wine to him, he had expressed himself joyously, had fought and been pursued, had rescued his little friend and seen the downfall of her enemies, and, into the bargain, had seven thousand unexpected lire in his pockets.

Never had the garden looked more meetly set, never had the sun shone more genially, and the air impelled the blood and sent it coursing more joyously through his veins, than on that morning of the rejuvenescence of all his high ideals.

An instant afterwards Zambo rose, looked at the prostrate man, and then, waving his hand joyously to us, came running in our direction.

To his left were seated Betony and Sorrel, now joyously reunited with their brother.

Their brassy tunes skirled over city and plain alike, joyously triumphant.

Look at any masjid and you will see each dome copied from the female human breast, its aroused nipple erect to the sky, and in each manaret a representation of the male organ, likewise joyously erect.

Russian citizens, all of us who joyously and willingly bear the burden of statehood, are called upon to settle in conscience and reason, the fundamental problems of our great home-building.

Whenever Shunkin played it Tenko sang out joyously, straining its voice to rival the beauty of her samisen.

He kissed you on the forehead with a certain unconstraint, threw a number of pamphlets and papers with an easy gesture on the sidetable, sat down to table, found the soup delicious, and ate joyously.

Nabopolassar gave his verdict, leaped again joyously as the Chaldaean seer wormed his way off the platform and back to his place among the little crowd on the ground.

Let us drain right joyously The cup which the sweet bird fills for me.