n. (plural of journalist English)
Journalists is a thriller novel by Russian writer Sergei Aman, published in 2013.
Usage examples of "journalists".
All around me were experienced professional journalists meeting deadlines far more frequent than mine, but I was never able to learn from their example.
So, despite the fact that the whole journalism industry is full of unregenerate heads -- just as many journalists were hard drinkers during Prohibition -- it is not very likely that the frank, documented truth about the psychedelic underworld, for good or ill, will be illuminated at any time soon in the public prints.
Beyond that, it was absolutely clear -- according to the Wizards, Gurus, and Gentlemen Journalists in Washington -- that Big Ed Muskie, the Man from Maine, had the Democratic nomination so deep in the bag that it was hardly worth arguing about.
White House press room is boiling with guilt-crazed journalists, ready to pounce on any new statement like a pack of wild African dogs, to atone for all the things they knew but never wrote when Nixon was riding high.
The events of the past six months had so badly jangled the nerves of the invited guests -- the staffers and journalists who had been with McGovern from New Hampshire all the way to Sioux Falls on election day -- that nobody really wanted to go to the party, for fear that it might be a funeral and a serious bummer.
It was a long, free-falling conversation, with people wandering in and out, over a time-span of an hour or so -- journalists, pols, spectators -- and the focus of it, as I recall, was a question that I was trying to get some bets on: How many of the primary Watergate figures would actually serve time in prison?
Nixon-appointed geek in the Justice Department might try to crank up on the basis of a series of boozy conversations among journalists, politicians and other half-drunk cynics.
Which journalists -- in addition to the man from Newsday who wrote unfavorable things about Bebe Rebozo -- were put on The List to have their tax returns audited?
This is a very hard thing for professional cops, journalists or investigators to cope with.
Perez has impressed foreign journalists in Lima with his unique feeling for words and their fundamental meanings.
These stories abound, and there is just enough truth in them to make most campaign journalists so fearful of a sudden change in the schedule that they will not even go looking for a bathroom until the pain becomes unendurable and at least three reliable people have promised to fetch them back to the fold at the first sign of any movement that could signal an early departure.
Women journalists picketed the Gridiron Club in Washington, which excluded women.
He was the last of a long line of government officials and journalists who promised victory.
It meant either that the journalists concerned had lazy, content to write from clippings, or that Hawthorne self refused to depart from a set script.
No-one here seemed ave reached below his guard: even those journalists obviously tile to him wrote articles that lacked sting.