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As of 2016, there were 32 inhabitants of the village. The evolution of the number of inhabitants is known through the census of the population effected in the village since 1698 (204 inhabitants). In 1789 there were 261 inhabitants, including children, servants and shepherds. However, it was specified in the census report that the number of inhabitants varied annually according to the number of servants and shepherds. Included in the report was the information that most of the illnesses recorded in Jonchères were due to malnutrition of its inhabitants most of whom were born poor. At the time, wheat, rye, vegetables and a little hay were grown, but no other crops because of the difficulties of watering. And there were high taxes to pay to the lords and bishops of Die.

The highest population recorded in Jonchères was in 1836 with 339 inhabitants. Since then, the population has steadily deceased: 164 in 1901, 69 in 1936, 50 in 1975.

In the mid 1800s, Jonchères had an annual fair on September 12. The main products of the village were rye, oats, walnuts and grazing.

In the 1900s, the farmers began to grow lavender on their fields. The last lavender field was abandoned in the early 2000s. Lavender is still a main crop in the Drôme region.

In 2016, only one farmer remained in the village with his flock of sheep. There are no shops in the village. The former communal oven was renovated into a small pizzeria-restaurant open only during vacations. At least half of the houses of the village are now owned by people outside of the village who use them as vacation homes.

Beautiful hiking is possible from Jonchères in all directions: the national Claps forest, the mountains of Volvent, ontenier, Proloubeau, Boutarinard, Premol Pass. (964 m. altitude)