The Collaborative International Dictionary
Jointless \Joint"less\, a. Without a joint; rigid; stiff.
a. Without joints; unjointed.
Usage examples of "jointless".
Everything about the sick man felt jointless, muscles gone to jelly in a sinewy body where nothing but cabled strength should reside.
Four of them, jointless as snakes, slenderly powerful, darting to seize the wreck with immense black talons.
Scuttling now across its walled domain on the same jointless legs, staring with the same enormous red-glowing eyes, following to keep them in view as its world turned.
Holding his crippled hand away from his body with the fingers curled into a throbbing fist to hide the sopping bandage, he began to walk toward the elevator on legs that seemed jointless and ten yards long.
In a great jointless band, skirting the edge of the sea for more than a thousand miles, the road still linked the cities that Man had loved in his childhood.
Everyone who lives in it ends a romantic, permanently jointless, unappeasable.
They seemed oddly jointless, like the hands of people in wood-block prints.
Its arms swung upward, stiff and jointless, like those of some mechanical doll or robot, its head veered on its neck.
Kept highly polished, the vast expanse of seamless and jointless metal was mirror-bright.
As he saw me grab for the calculator to figure my thrusts, he brushed my hands aside and laid his on the controls, feeling over the raised indicators with fingers that seemed jointless, then pulled on the firing pins.