n. A mythical creature of the southern United States, a snake that can reassemble itself when broken or cut into pieces.
n. snakelike lizard of Europe and Asia and North America with vestigial hind limbs and the ability to regenerate its long fragile tail [syn: glass lizard, glass snake]
A joint snake is a mythical creature of the Southern United States, the myth likely having spread elsewhere.
Supposedly, the snake can break itself (or be cut) into pieces and will reassemble itself. It is said that if a piece of the snake is taken and the pocket knife used to cut the snake is set down in the place of the snake's piece, the knife will join up with the whole of the snake. The myth is probably based on legless lizards that can regenerate their tails after they are broken off. Such lizards are often called joint, or, more commonly, glass snakes. May also be a reference to the Hydra in Greek Mythology. According to traveller's account their skin is as hard as parchment and as smooth as glass. It is so stiff that it can hardly bend itself. It is streaked with black and white.