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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Jockey \Jock"ey\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Jockeyed; p. pr. & vb. n. Jockeying.]

  1. `` To jostle by riding against one.''

  2. To play the jockey toward; to cheat; to trick; to impose upon in trade; as, to jockey a customer.

  3. To maneuver; to move in an intricate manner so as to avoid obstacles; as, to jockey a large cabinet up a winding staircase.


vb. (en-past of: jockey)

Usage examples of "jockeyed".

Some jockeyed for better position, then resumed their places as a sharp word came from one of the occupants of the more elaborate chairs.

Naturally, the plump councillor had jockeyed himself into first place, and entered triumphantly.

Following their youthful guide's directions, the driver jockeyed the jeep through the hodgepodge city's twisting streets.

Impatience flayed O'Neil's nerves as he jockeyed the vehicle beyond the mine pit.

After she'd jockeyed us up to the curb she leaned back in the corner with her gloved hands on the wheel.

But beneath compliant manners, each Lord jockeyed for position, and counted enemies, and made compacts.

Every member of the unit appeared to have been mobilised, and the cutter and the two launches surged and jockeyed around the landing jetty.

Manned by a dozen dusky-skinned figures in white shorts and singlets, the scows jockeyed out towards the centre of the lagoon, the last of the star-shells still going up from their decks in the general melee and excitement.

Carts and draymen's wagons bumped and jockeyed for space on the crowded roads.

A few handcarts loaded high with coal and wooden crates jockeyed for space in the narrow tunnel.