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n. (plural of jobber English)

Usage examples of "jobbers".

The architects had promptly fed them to the construction jobbers so the raw materials could be reworked into a place Humans would be comfortable with.

They had found maintenance jobbers in the corridors and ordered them to repair the wiring and cut apart the booby traps.

Keale had sealed off most of the voice commands to everyone but the crew, but jobbers answered anyone.

He will not buy of the home jobbers at the same price, for he feels that he is building up his competitor.

I have seen a great many jobbers who had spent time and money trying to get control of all the trade in their own city, but I never saw one who did not finally give up in disgust.

Every little cross-roads store had its 5 and 10 cent counters, and manufacturers and jobbers cut in prices to cater to it.

The decline is made to a few jobbers, and they at once start out their men to give it to the retailers, and to use it as a bait, and when other jobbers learn it they combine to squeeze the price down so that all can get it.

Morris and I took dinner at the hotel where the trio of government jobbers were stopping.

Balfour made plain in an admirable speech, whether the great occasions of the peace and after the peace are to be handled by a grand council of all that is best and most leaderlike in the nation, or whether they are to be left to a few leaders, apparently leading, but really profoundly swayed by the obscure crowd of politicians and jobbers behind them.