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n. The act or motion of one who jitters. vb. (present participle of jitter English)


adj. undergoing small rapid variations

Usage examples of "jittering".

It hung in the sky, jittering toward Trashcan Man, giving off sparks like hair.

Blows rained down on him and he became a boneless, jittering puppet on a fraying string.

The bouncing, jittering ball caught in one of the slots, this time for good.

And Richard Speck was there, looking up at Larry with cocky, impudent eyes, an unfiltered cigarette jittering between his lips.

A portion was turning black, down by the jittering lump that was her right foot.

I think of Janice, jittering away her last mindless seconds as I knelt with her in the rain.

Since midday a certain leitmotif of disease had come jittering in, had half-revealed itself, latent in the music of Cairo's afternoon.

They don't feel the fingers of years jittering age, fallibility, blindness into face, heart and eyes.

How could I infer: the only ghost of an excuse being to reason by analogy that the nerves chafed and stabbed by my fingernails were the same as my own, that her pain was mine and by extension that of the jittering leaves all round us.

While the Anjiri were still hissing and jittering over their arcane course inventions, Uhura stayed intently by their sides, recording every word that passed between them, and Sulu and Bailey continued their extended fret over the nefarious use of their consoles.

At least half the females lost interest in the jittering simulacrum before the audible sounds of my speech had finished translating.

The Nykkus made the snapping sound with her jaws that seemed to be their equivalent of a nod without even glancing at the jittering stick figure on the augmented universal translator.