Jhamela (Problem) is a 1953 Hindi comedy thriller film produced and directed by Bhagwan, for his Bhagwan Art Productions. The film was a repeat formula Bhagwan had earlier used in his commercially successful film Albela (1951). Albela with its "rumba-samba beats" in the composition of music director C. Ramchandra's songs, its comedy, and melodramatic story, had turned out to be an "all-time hit". With music again composed by C. Ramachandra, and casting actress Geeta Bali, Bhagwan tried to recreate the magic of Albela with little success. The film was termed a "semi-hit" at the box-office. It starred Geeta Bali, Bhagwan, Shakuntala, Sunder, Anwar Hussain and Badri Prasad.