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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Jewish \Jew"ish\, a.

  1. Of or pertaining to the Jews or Hebrews; characteristic of or resembling the Jews or their customs; Israelitish. -- Jew"ish*ly, adv. -- Jew"ish*ness, n.

  2. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Judaism.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1540s, from Jew + -ish. Old English had Iudeisc; early Middle English used Judewish, Judeish (late 12c.). Figurative use in reference to extortionate money-lending attested by c.1600.


Usage examples of "jewish".

Rebecca, and the marriage of Abraham to Elizabeth Fitzsimmons, the Melbourne Jewish community had seen very little of the Solomon family, a problem of some significance as it represented a regular source of funds which had now dried up.

Jewish literature such as that of Sholom Aleichem and Isaac Bashevis Singer.

There were a number of schools of medicine, in Sicily and the southern part of Italy, in which Jewish, Arabian, and Christian physicians taught side by side.

Jewish physicians reached distinction under Christian as well as Arabian rulers at all times during the Middle Ages.

Of this Jewish immigration, approximately 80 percent were Ashkenazi Jews.

Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe to New York City, a veritable Ashkenazi tidal wave.

Saddam has hit Tel Aviv, the recognized capital of Israel, and shown that the heart of the Jewish state is no longer impregnable.

Thirdly, we have unquestionable proofs that, during the period from the Babylonish captivity to the advent of Christ, the Jews borrowed and adapted a great deal from the Persian theology, but no proof that the Persians took any thing from the Jewish theology.

Islamic calligraphy, medieval Jewish mysticism, the Bahai sect, Persian miniatures, Jerusalem at the time of the Second Temple, archeological finds in central Anatolia.

Ernest Bloch, was, after all, not much more eager to welcome a Jewish renaissance than was the Vienna of Gustav Mahler.

He wrote a difficult letter to Sir Guillaume which told how his daughter had died and begging for any news of Will Skeat whom Sir Guillaume had taken to Caen to be treated by Mordecai, the Jewish doctor.

Sisterhood to put on a big campaign for a Chanukah gift for the temple, and he tells them that keeping Judaism in their hearts and a kosher home was more important for Jewish women than campaigning for gifts for the temple.

Christ abolished the purely Jewish law, but he left the Decalogue intact.

American Jewish leaders who rush to Israel to lobby against the Who-is-a-Jew amendment any time it appears close to passage could not believe how easily Shamir and his Likud Party gave in to the demands of the Orthodox and voted in favor of a bill that would essentially entail formal Israeli delegitimization of Reform and Conservative rabbis.

Begin was ready to indulge messianic Jewish settlers and ultra-Orthodox rabbis who wanted to use the Israeli parliament to delegitimize the Reform and Conservative branches of Judaism.