is a Japanese media franchise and toy line created in 2008 as a joint venture between Sanrio and Sega Sammy Holdings, produced by the third character designer of Hello Kitty, Yuko Yamaguchi and illustrated by the character designer of Cinnamoroll, Miyuki Okumura. The franchise was originally launched on January 15, 2008, focusing on animals named after jewels, birthstones and minerals, who can use magic using their eyes.
Due to its success, Sanrio and Sega Sammy expanded the Jewelpet franchise overseas. The franchise is currently being licensed by Italian company Giochi Preziosi for its European release.
The series' official slogan is "Eyes of Jewel that Shine, glittering with Luck and Good Fortune".
, also called Jewel Pets, is a 2009 Japanese magical girl anime series based on the Jewelpet franchise jointly created by Sanrio and Sega Sammy Holdings. The series was written by Atsushi Maekawa ( Digimon Adventure 02, Bakugan Battle Brawlers, Fresh Pretty Cure!) with direction from Nanako Sasaki, screenplay by Takashi Yamada ( Yumeiro Pâtissière), and production by Kazuya Watanabe ( Onegai My Melody) with character designs from Tomoko Miyakawa. The series is animated by Studio Comet and was aired from 5 April 2009 to 26 March 2010 on TV Osaka and TV Tokyo, replacing Onegai My Melody Kirara★ in its initial timeslot.
Jewelpet marks as Studio Comet's second animation work based on a Sanrio franchise and the longest running Sanrio Anime series surpassing Kitty Paradise with 7 full seasons. The series is noted to have a unique storyline, characters and elements revolving around Magic, Witches and Alchemy. The anime expanded into six more series, one movie, three official shōjo manga adaptations, one official Light Novel and various Stage Plays, also moving from its previous broadcaster TV Osaka to TV Tokyo. Each series were completely separate season to season, featuring different characters and storylines.
Viz Media Europe currently licensed both the first series and Twinkle in Southeast Asia and Europe while Luk Internacional handles the license in Portugal with Sony Pictures Home Entertainment handling the distribution rights in Spain. There are currently no plans for an English release in the United States.