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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Jersey \Jer"sey\, n.; pl. Jerseys. [From Jersey, the largest of the Channel Islands.]

  1. The finest of wool separated from the rest; combed wool; also, fine yarn of wool.

  2. A kind of knitted jacket; hence, in general, a closefitting jacket or upper garment made of an elastic fabric (as stockinet).

  3. One of a breed of cattle in the Island of Jersey. Jerseys are noted for the richness of their milk.


n. (plural of jersey English)

Usage examples of "jerseys".

We were wearing our new baseball jerseys and we told the farmer we were with the Secret Service.

All of us had gone to sporting-goods stores or specialty shops to buy jerseys, none of which matched, and all of which had fictional names silk-screened on them.

I accepted that responsibility and went to the bar, where everyone was drinking beer and being stared at in our jerseys with the names Beowulf, Cervantes, Bovary, Smerdyakov, Caulfield, Miss Ophelia St.

Waitresses wearing matelot jerseys and bell-bottoms, many of whom remembered Georgie from the sixties, crunched around a floor littered with sea-shells and sand, making up a rum punch and putting out glasses.

Men in colored jerseys surged back and forth in some impossible, incomprehensible ballet of motion.

The checkers, men in white jerseys and with black-and-white checked helmets, were especially evident as they combed each aircraft for downgrudges, open access panels, and loose weapons.

Nearby, men in red jerseys with black stripes stood ready to go, fire extinguishers in hand, some of them crouched atop deck tractors rigged out as fire-fighting vehicles.

Pretty waiters in pink jerseys and pink-and-white striped bow-ties converged on Charles.

Like all PAs that autumn, Daysee wandered round clutching a clipboard and a stopwatch, wearing loose trousers tucked into sawn-off suede boots, and jerseys with pictures knitted on the front.

Removing their drenched red coats and hunting ties, and putting on jerseys, they drove home through the yellow gloom.

However many jerseys she put on, however much she raced about the house, Taggie was still cold, while upstairs Maud oiled and scented herself for Declan's return, no doubt leaving a horrible mess both in the bathroom and bedroom, which Taggie had just cleaned.

Shorts and jerseys, rubber shoes, bathing-suits and mackintoshes were the things they would want.

Perhaps because it went on raining, or possibly because it was, after all, Saturday, Wally for once refrained from making me work all afternoon, and I spent the three hours sitting with about nine other lads in the kitchen of the cottage, listening to the wind shrieking around the corners outside and watching Chepstow races on television, while our damp jerseys, breeches, and socks steamed gently around the fire.

In spite of the protection of two jerseys and a leather jacket the skin was broken where the chair leg had landed.

Perhaps because it went on raining, or possibly because it was, after all, Saturday, Wally for once refrained from making me work all afternoon, and I spent the three hours sitting with about nine other lads in the kitchen of the cottage, listening to the wind shrieking round the corners outside and watching Chepstow races on television, while our damp jerseys, breeches, and socks steamed gently round the fire.