Jenmi is the term used to refer to the landlords from Kerala. In the past the majority, if not all the land was owned by these Jenmimar (landlords), and it was not unusual for an aristocratic family to own up to of land. Today, however, there are restrictions placed on the amount of land one can own in Kerala.
The largest landlords of Malabar included the Vengayil Nayanar family ( V K Krishna Menon's family) which owned including forest lands, which was more than the Chirakkal Raja who owned about . Other major Jenmis included the Kurumathoor Namburidipad (5,615 acres), mavila nambiars (20,000 acres) besides seven forts, Kalliat Nambiar (36,779 acres), and Kavalappara Mooppil Nair owned 47 villages.