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Jenkin, of Franconian origin, is translated in English as " Little John" or more literally "John the little."

Usage examples of "jenkin".

Similar to the case of the centenarian who had seen Henry Jenkins was that of James Horrocks, who was born in 1744 and died in 1844.

Two others - Jenkins and Doolan - vanished after delivering clues that have not helped us.

DJA, Wolever TMS, Taylor RH, Barker H, Fielden H, Baldwin JM, Bowling AC, Newman HC, Jenkins AL, and Goff DV.

Paul Jenkins gouache and must have cost upwards of ten thousand dollars.

I stared at the Jenkins gouache and tried to imagine what the artist must have been thinking when he painted it.

I drank in his sexily messed-up hair and his darkly tanned forearms, all I could think was that, bad as it had been, that whole thing with the lightning and Colonel Jenkins and all, it had actually been worth it, because it had brought me the hottest Hottie of them all, Rob.

Right away she made friends with Martha Dixon and Icey Jenkins, two women who went on to distinguish themselves in the FBI.

In the robot Jenkins, first introduced in this story, one comes to know a character which for thousands of years has been a puppish favourite.

If he crossed the room to the television booth, he could put in a call, talk with his mother or one of the robots-or, better yet, just sit and look at the place until Jenkins came for him.

It was Jenkins, the light from the fireplace flickering on his shining metal hide.

Following Jenkins, Grant climbed the stairs to bed, but as they passed a partially opened door a voice hailed them.

On stockinged feet, Grant crossed to the table where Jenkins had placed his pack.

Waiting for the snicker of the signal that would tell him Jenkins was calling to report on Joe.

There had been a robot named Jenkins who had served the family from the very first.

Of the ones that went before me, the ones that Jenkins waited on from their day of birth to the hour of death.