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Jemadia is a Neotropical genus of Firetips in the family Hesperiidae.

A very comprehensive genus, in which it is rather difficult to define the species owing to the extraordinary resemblance among one another. Moreover, there are 2 series parallel to each other, one of which shows 4 white dots on the prothorax, the other exhibiting a white transverse streak instead. In order to facilitate the definition we keep to Mabille's division of the groups into "punctati" and "lineati". The Jemadia are robust animals with white or blue marking and hyaline spots. The hindwings are often remarkably small, in the males often with tooth-like projections on the inner-marginal and lower median vein, above them mostly with a deeply concave excision, and between the upper radial and subcostal vein often with an obtuse projection;more rarely the hindwings are quite round. The middle radial vein is absent, the lower one comes from the lower cell-angle, the upper median vein below it separately.