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The Collaborative International Dictionary

jelly \jel"ly\, n.; pl. Jellies. [ Formerly gelly, gely, F. gel['e]e jelly, frost, fr. geler to freeze. L. gelare; akin to gelu frost. See Gelid.]

  1. Anything brought to a gelatinous condition; a viscous, translucent substance in a condition between liquid and solid; a stiffened solution of gelatin, gum, or the like.

  2. The juice of fruits or meats boiled with sugar to an elastic consistence; as, currant jelly; calf's-foot jelly.

    Jelly bag, a bag through which the material for jelly is strained.

    Jelly mold, a mold for forming jelly in ornamental shapes.

    Jelly plant (Bot.), Australian name of an edible seaweed ( Eucheuma speciosum), from which an excellent jelly is made.
    --J. Smith.

    Jelly powder, an explosive, composed of nitroglycerin and collodion cotton; -- so called from its resemblance to calf's-foot jelly.


n. (jelly English) vb. (en-third-person singularjelly)

Usage examples of "jellies".

The jellies feel a sense of mortal dread, as though the attackers were…well, the closest analogies I can think of are the zombies from old Earth monster movies.

Instead they were pasty and fishbelly white, and their movements as they reached out to grapple the dead jellies were stiff and mechanical, with none of the feathery grace of the live tendrils.

Although the jellies lived in a vacuum and fed largely on energy, they were still carbon-based life-forms, requiring air, water, and nutrients, which they periodically hoarded from life-bearing worlds, or converted from the raw matter they found in cometary clouds.

Now that there were no live jellies in range, Riker had seen fit to return him to duty.

Did it seem to you that the jellies were even able to contemplate returning fire?

And work on tactics for defending the jellies from armed attack without resorting to deadly force.

And they have no warning, since they can’t tell the difference between live and dead jellies until they attack.

And if they do come out armored, or aren’t broadcasting telepathically, then they could be live jellies who are injured or in danger.

The jellies can’t just ignore that possibility, no matter what the risk.

It’s simply not in their nature to reject contact with others of their kind—not if there’s the slightest chance that they are live jellies in need.

On the screen, the jellies scattered as the shooting began, and their panic reflected on Troi’s face, though she kept it under control.

But I had to do something to show that we hadn’t sided against the jellies either.

Then, nearly in synch with each other, the jellies began to flip over and fade into translucence, a maneuver he recalled from the Deneb encounter.

Below them, scans revealed other, unarmored jellies at various altitudes, apparently keeping watch over their sessile young on the surface.

The other armored jellies in visual range signalled with their meridional chaser lights in acknowledgment of the bereaved school.