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a. Lacking a jaw.


adj. having no jaw

Usage examples of "jawless".

He had a momentary glimpse of a skull rolling away from his foot, jawless and unable to grin.

I awoke and saw a bloody, jawless face with staring blue eyes pressed close to mine, looking as if it were still trying to convey a last desperate message.

Then she bit it fiercely and extended it in his direction, producing sounds all the while, acoustic interference so random it seemed to come not from her jawless sucking mouth but from a small hole in her throat.

She was a jawless woman with a green tag against a ribby chest and thin, black-dyed hair.

Abdel stood, his vision starting to come back, and stepped over the twitching, jawless rockworm as it finished dying.

Kascamandri, the glorious Padirajah of Kian, fell jawless and dying at the sandalled feet of the Warrior-Prophet.

Kascamandri, the glorious Padirajah of Kian, fell jawless and dying at the sandaled feet of the Warrior-Prophet.

Turp Thornhill, a long stringy ferret-headed jawless man from Mississippi with 17 yrs serv, who was not a jockstrap man, or even a non-jockstrap man, gave Prewitt a reading off for inattention.

Its mouth was merely a jawless, circular opening, now puckered and closed.

All three men saw it at once and for the moment could only stare at the ivory-hued jawless irregular sphere with its great black orbits and triangular nasal opening.

My eyes fly open and I aspirate in the jawless equivalent of a scream.

The peeling orange door sank into a ground-level sill, and the jawless skull of a groundhog chewed the dirty white lintel.

Reidy for a while, looking at all of the eleven skulls with their crooked, jawless grins.

Sometimes he was drawing her in an agony from the swallowing gullet of a quicksand, which held her fast, and swallowed at her all the time that he fought to rescue her from its jawless throat.

The last thing Sergeant Eliot looked at in any detail was the jawless face, now absolutely white, right down to the waxlike upper lip.