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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Jaunt \Jaunt\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Jaunted; p. pr. & vb. n. Jaunting.] [Cf. Scot. jaunder to ramble, jaunt to taunt, jeer, dial. Sw. ganta to play the buffoon, romp, jest; perh. akin to E. jump. Cf. Jaunce.]

  1. To ramble here and there; to stroll; to make an excursion.

  2. To ride on a jaunting car.

    Jaunting car, a kind of low-set open vehicle, used in Ireland, in which the passengers ride sidewise, sitting back to back. [Written also jaunty car.]


vb. (en-past of: jaunt)

Usage examples of "jaunted".

He rushed to his physics laboratory where he destroyed an expensive chronometer to experiment with cog wheels, jaunted to the bandstand where he seized a baton and led the orchestra into confusion, put on skates and fell into the scented swimming pool, was hauled out, swearing fulminously at the lack of ice, and was heard to express a desire for solitude.

And space set a final limitation, for no man had ever jaunted further than a thousand miles.

Then all jaunted back to school via Times Square and returned by the same route to Columbus Circle.

Situation,” Robin Wednesbury lectured, and the class jaunted by express stages from Washington Heights to the Hudson Bridge and back again in primer jumps of a quarter mile each.

Figures appeared momentarily as they jaunted in, hesitated while they checked their surroundings and set new co-ordinates, and then disappeared as they jaunted off.

His position in society was so lofty that he had not jaunted in forty years.

Secretly he scorned the bustling new-rich like the Dagenhams and Sheffields who still jaunted and were unshamed.

Messengers jaunted ahead to warn the Presteign offices across the country, and the private jaunte stages were cleared.

Through the raucous bellow of the alarm, Presteign could hear a multitude of “pops” as the yard guards jaunted from the grandstand and took positions around the square mile of concrete field.

Guards were appearing as they jaunted from distant sectors toward the focal point of the action.

Dagenham jaunted up to the 43rd floor of the Therapy Division and looked into the isolated tank where Foyle floated, unconscious.

No one had ever jaunted out of the cavern hospitals, but for decades the underworld had been collecting and collating information about them.

The attendants jaunted too, deserting the trolley on which Foyle waved his arms and legs feebly, making faint sounds.

Foyle shook Jisbella’s arm and jaunted to Times Square where masses of jaunters on the gigantic stage stared in amazement at the huge man with the white bandaged globe for a head.

He jaunted and arrived in darkness and empty space and immediately plummeted down.