Jasoi is a village situated in the Baghara Mandal of Muzaffarnagar District in Uttar Pradesh, India . It is 8.140 kilometres from the Mandal headquarters at Baghra, and 19.10 kilometres from the district headquarters at Muzaffarnagar. Most of the population belong to the Baloch community.
Villages nearby include Gujarheri (1.1 km), Nagala Pithora (1.4 km), Chhetela (1.7 km), Bhamela (2.3 km), Nasirpur (2.5 km), Dholara (2.8 km), and Dholari (3.1 km).
There is a central market in the village and the shops are run by mostly Aggarwal community.
Being the dominance of Hindus and Muslims communities, the village is very peaceful.