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n. (plural of jargon English)

Usage examples of "jargons".

But barbarian jargons are chiefly important as a reserve for human expression, and for all the things which they will doubtless say in time to come.

From all these countries the girl had brought scraps of odd jargons, snatches of old songs, and foreign ideas, which made her language as curious a piece of patchwork as her dress, half Parisian, and half African.

And the little cries, the pursuits through the grass, the waists embraced on the fly, those jargons which are melodies, those adorations which burst forth in the manner of pronouncing a syllable, those cherries torn from one mouth by another, -- all this blazes forth and takes its place among the celestial glories.

The others enlivened their dining with amiable chatter in the various jargons of their several arts.