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The Jangmigye is a breed of long-tail fowl that originated in Mahan of ancient Korea.

Korea's people's call 긴꼬리닭 (Ginkkori-dak) in a pure Korean. "긴" is long, "꼬리" is tail, "닭" is chicken. It appears in a single-comb variety with Black Breasted Red plumage, White . The birds appear in Black-breasted Red (comb is single). Their legs are dark gray (lead), eyes red-brown and earlobes describes as red mixing white or white. Males weigh 1.2–1.8 kg and females 800g–1.3 kg.

The ancient Chinese book ( Book of the Later Han) "馬韓人知田蠶, 作緜布. 出大栗如梨. 有長尾雞, 尾長五尺." is a record.

This will be translated into English.

馬韓人知田蠶, 作緜布. : The Mahan People know about agriculture and sericulture, and can produce cotton.

出大栗如梨. : Produces a very large chestnut, as big as a pear.

有長尾雞, 尾長五尺 : It is a long-tailed chicken, with a tail length of approx. 5 ft.

and Charles Varat (French trip, A.D 1888-1889) were recorded Chungcheong-do specialties of The Joseon Dynasty as long-tailed chickens (The length of the tail is 150 cm).

Category:Chicken breeds Category:Chicken breeds originating in Korea