Crossword clues for jangly
The Collaborative International Dictionary
jangly \jangly\ adj. like the discordant ringing of nonmusical metallic objects striking together; sounding with a jangle[3]; as, a custodian with a jangly set of keys.
Syn: jangling.
a. pertaining to something that jangles
adj. like the discordant ringing of nonmusical metallic objects striking together; "cowboys with jangling spurs" [syn: jangling]
Usage examples of "jangly".
I could hear vehicles in the distance--the springy, old me tally jangly sounds of them trundling along.
Morit was constantly outraged and furious at neighbors who used their leaf blowers in the middle of the night, their hordes of barking dogs, revving engines, occasional gunfire, jangly music from street vendors, loud music just when he was trying to get some sleep.
Sculptured figures, all dusty gilt, clung for dear life as the old timepiece reverberated with tiny jangly explosions.
As Butler bowed himself out, she plucked at a jangly gold bracelet with a blood-red fingernail, her shoe-button eyes on me.
Japheth was struggling into a long, jangly coat hung with seashells and old capacitors.