Jambhavan is a 2006 Indian Tamil action film directed by Nandakumar and produced by Rajalakshmi Kalaikudam. The film features Prashanth, Meera Chopra and Meghna Naidu in the leading roles, while Vivek, Vijayan and Vijayakumar play other pivotal roles. Featuring music composed by Bharadwaj, the film released in September 2006 to below average reviews.
Jambhavan (disambiguation)
Jambhavan may refer to:
- Jambavan, a character originating in Indian mythology: the King of the Bears, a bear in Indian epic tradition but a monkey in other scriptures
- Jambhavan (film), a 2006 Indian Tamil action film directed by Nandakumar and produced by Rajalakshmi Kalaikudam