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n. (plural of jalousie English)

Usage examples of "jalousies".

After taking their vows of poverty, silence, and chastity, their only communication with the outside world was a rare visit held in the locutory where wooden jalousies admitted voices but not light.

But when Longarm shut the jalousies he saw there was far more breeze than light coming up through the slanted slats.

He flung open the jalousies so he could see what he was doing as he gave himself a whore-bath and shaved at the corner washstand.

He moved over to the shuttered window overlooking the street and flung the jalousies wide.

In it was a deep, wide bay window closely shuttered with gray jalousies, as were all the other windows in the room except for one fronting on darkness beside the fireplace.

But they were jalousies, and no goblin could force its way through one of them without considerable effort.