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The Collaborative International Dictionary

jagged \jag"ged\ (j[a^]g"g[e^]d), a. Having jags; having rough, sharp notches, protuberances, or teeth; cleft; laciniate; divided; as, jagged rocks. `` Jagged vine leaves' shade.''
--Trench. -- Jag"ged*ly, adv. -- Jag"ged*ness, n.


adv. In a jagged manner.


adv. with a ragged and uneven appearance; "a long beard, raggedly cut" [syn: raggedly]

Usage examples of "jaggedly".

An ancient cicatrix sliced jaggedly across the left cheek, tugging the corner of the mouth up into something that might be mistaken for a smile.

In all his life he had never been anywhere as unequivocally alien as here, inside a giant torus of cold, compressed gas orbiting a black hole - itself in orbit around a brown dwarf body light years from the nearest star - its exterior studded with ships - most of them the jaggedly bulbous shapes of Affront craft - and full, in the main, of happy, space-faring Affronters and their collection of associated victim-species.

Move south, calmly and in all haste, toward some border metropolis Rome NNY or Glens Falls NNY or Beverly MA, say, or those bordered points between them at which the giant protective ATHSCME fans atop the hugely convex protective walls of anodized Lucite hold off the drooling and piss-colored bank of teratogenic Concavity clouds and move the bank well back, north, away, jaggedly, over your protected head.

It's an overcast March afternoon, descending jaggedly toward dusk: not yet five o'clock and already deep in shadow.

All in all, Mallory reflected, an almost perfect three-point landing compared to the last time they had come to Navarone by boat, when their Greek caique, caught in the teeth of a giant storm, had been battered to pieces against the jaggedly vertical -- and supposedly unclimbable -- South Cliff of Navarone.