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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Jacobinic \Jac`o*bin"ic\ (j[a^]k`[-o]*b[i^]n"[i^]k), Jacobinical \Jac`o*bin"ic*al\ (j[a^]k`[-o]*b[i^]n"[i^]*kal), a. Of or pertaining to the Jacobins of France; revolutionary; of the nature of, or characterized by, Jacobinism.
--Burke. -- Jac`o*bin"ic*al*ly, adv.

Usage examples of "jacobinical".

At a crucial moment, when the singing and blaring of martial brass had been silenced, Robespierre descended from the mountain like some Jacobinical Moses, parting the waves of tricolored patriots, and graciously received the burst of orchestrated applause that broke over his head.

I entirely agree with you, that the abolition of agistment tithe in Ireland by a vote of the Irish House of Commons, and without any remuneration to the Church, was a most scandalous and Jacobinical measure.

Was it some Jacobinical strain in him, he wondered, that made his soul revolt against such arrogant condescension?

He would twit her with Jacobinical opinions and quote her sayings in company--sometimes jocularly, sometimes ruefully, for he himself posed as a staunch Government man.