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IVF-Worldwide is an in-vitro fertilization (IVF) focused educational online website. At present, it is the largest directory of IVF clinics on the web. The website was founded by Prof. Milton Ka Hong Leong and Prof. Zeev Shoham both specialists in the field of infertility.

IVF-Worldwide provides a variety of informative material about IFV, such as recent publications and abstracts, presentations, videos and newsletters. The website conducts large-scale online surveys among IVF Units with the goal of advancing research. IVF-Worldwide is the main supporter of the Journal of Fertilization: In Vitro - IVF-Worldwide, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology.

Content on the website is reviewed by the IVF-Worldwide Advisory Board to promise that the content is unbiased, reliable and meets academic standards. Though it is an academic website mainly addressing specialists in IVF, the website also has a section for patients that includes information and community forums.