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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Itinerary \I*tin"er*a*ry\, n.; pl. Itineraries ([-i]*t[i^]n"[~e]r*[asl]*r[i^]z). [L. itinerarium: cf. F. itin['e]raire. See Itinerary, a.]

  1. An account of travels, or a register of places and distances as a guide to travelers; as, the Itinerary of Antoninus.

  2. A detailed plan for a journey, including a list of places to be visited, and often other information such as the dates, places of residence, and transportation to be used during the journey; as, the catacombs aren't on our itinerary.


n. (plural of itinerary English)

Usage examples of "itineraries".

What he got was four names and identifying information including DNA, itineraries, aliases, and current physical descriptions of agents in the Chicago area," it said.

He took whoever had booked the Brandts' and the De Georges itineraries: travel agencies, limo services, hotels.

All we do here is work out itineraries for traveling side-shows, that kind of thing.