Crossword clues for isr
- Pres. Reuven Rivlin's nation
- Neighbour of Syr
- Nation on the Medit
- Nation founded in 1948 (Abbr.)
- Mt. Tabor's country: Abbr
- Mt. Carmel site, briefly
- Mideast rep
- Mideast nation: Abbr
- Masada Natl. Pk. setting
- Lod's land: Abbr
- Knesset's land (Abbr.)
- Jerusalem is its capital: Abbr
- Its anthem is "Hatikvah": Abbr
- It's south of Leb
- Haifa's nat
- Haifa's loc
- Haifa's country (abbr.)
- El Al's primary destination (Abbr.)
- Eastern Med. land
- Dead Sea country: Abbr
- Country on the Medit
- Begin's land: Abbr
- Ahab's kingdom: Abbr
- 60-yr.-old state
- 1949 UN entrant
- Where the Knesset legislates (abbr.)
- Where the flash drive was invented: Abbr
- Where Mt. Tabor is, briefly
- Where Mount Carmel is: Abbr
- Where many observe a Sun.-Thu. workweek
- Where Heb. is spoken
- Western Wall nat
- West Bank locale: Abbr
- War of Attrition nat
- Wailing Wall's home: Abbr
- US ally since '48
- U.N. member since 1948
- TLV Airport's locale
- Tel Aviv's land (Abbr.)
- State founded in 1948 (abbr.)
- State bordering Syr
- Six-Day War victor: Abbr
- Shimon Peres's land: Abbr
- Shamir's rep
- Sea of Galilee's country: Abbr
- Sabra's homeland: Abbr
- Sabra's home: Abbr
- Qishon River's country: abbr
- Pres. Peres's nation
- Part of AIPAC
- New UN member in 1949
- Neighbor of Jor
- Neighbor of Egypt (Abbr.)
- Negev locale: Abbr
- Negev Desert land: Abbr
- Nation with controversial settlements: Abbr
- Nation estd. in 1948
- Nation established in 1948 (abbr.)
- Nation estab. in 1948
- Nation accepted by the UN in 1948
- Nat. whose Independence Day is 5/14
- Nat. that turned 60 last year
- Nat. ruled by a parliament
- Nat. protected by Iron Dome
- Much of its water comes from L. Tiberias
- Mt. Tabor's land: abbr
- Mt. Carmel site (Abbr.)
- Mt. Carmel setting
- Mt. Carmel locale (Abbr.)
- Mr. Netanyahu's birthplace
- Mr. Eban's country: Abbr
- Mount Zion's land: Abbr
- Mount Carmel's loc
- Mount Carmel's land (Abbr.)
- Mossad's land: Abbr
- Mideastern republic: Abbr
- Mideast map abbr
- Mideast loc
- Mideast country: Abbr
- Middle East st
- Middle East nation: Abbr
- Med. republic
- ME nation
- Lydda's land: Abbr
- Livni and Netanyahu's nation: Abbr
- Lev. nation
- Lebanon neighbor (abbr.)
- Land south of Leb
- Land of Acre: Abbr
- Land est. in 1948
- Land bordering the Dead Sea: Abbr
- Knesset's nation: Abbr
- Knesset's land: Abbr
- Knesset setting: Abbr
- Kibbutznik's home: Abbr
- Kibbutz land: Abbr
- Jerusalem's home (abbr.)
- Jaffa's land: Abbr
- Its stamps use kosher glue: Abbr
- Its national anthem is "Hatikvah": Abbr
- Its flag features a six-pointed star: Abbr
- Its anthem is "Hatikvah" (abbr.)
- It's S. of Leb
- It's on the Medit
- Ind. nation since 1948
- Homeland of G. Meier
- Home of the Knesset: Abbr
- Home of Mount Carmel: Abbr
- Home of M. Dayan
- Historian Yuval Noah Harari's country: Abbr
- Haifa's land: Abbr
- Haifa's home: Abbr
- Haifa's home (abbr.)
- Haifa locale: abbr
- Haifa loc
- Haifa cit
- Galilee loc
- Eshkol's land: abbr
- El Al's home: Abbr
- El Al destination (Abbr.)
- Ehud Olmert's nat
- Dayan's state: Abbr
- Dayan's land: Abbr
- Country with two olive branches on its emblem: Abbr
- Country where the cellphone was developed: Abbr
- Country where Herzog lost in 2015: Abbr
- Country of I. Rabin
- Country behind the Stuxnet computer virus: Abbr
- Camp David Accords signer: Abbr
- Camp David Accords signatory: Abbr
- Beersheba's land: Abbr
- Arabic is one of its two official langs
- Acre's place: Abbr
- Abbr. for windsurfer Gal Fridman, who recently became his country's first Olympic gold medalist
- Abbr. after Acre
- A neighbor of Eg
- 1948 UN entrant
- Leb. neighbor
- Medit. nation
- Medit. state
- Where "Hatikvah" is sung: Abbr.
- Neighbor of Syr. and Eg
- Neighbor of Leb.
- Mt. Carmel site: Abbr.
- Country est. in 1948
- Syr. neighbor
- Jerusalem is its cap.
- Medit. country
- Netanyahu's land: Abbr.
- Where Mt. Carmel is: Abbr.
- Medit. land
- Country with a blue and white flag: Abbr.
- Mideast land: Abbr.
- Frequent negotiator with the P.L.O.
- Levantine land: Abbr.
- 38-Down's home: Abbr.
- Place to spend shekels: Abbr.
- Eshkol once led it: Abbr.
- Jerusalem's home: Abbr.
- Nation since 1948: Abbr.
- Med. country
- Med. land
- Jerusalem's land: Abbr.
- 1949 armistice locale: Abbr.
- Sharon's land: Abbr.
- 10-Down ally: Abbr.
- Land on the Medit. Sea
- Jaffa's land: Abbr.
- See 2-Down
- 1967 war participant: Abbr.
- Where Mt. Tabor is: Abbr.
- 45-Across neighbor: Abbr.
- Acre's setting: Abbr.
- Mideast map abbr.
- Rabin's land: Abbr.
- U.S. ally since '48
- It touches the River Jordan: Abbr.
- Adversary of 31-Across: Abbr.
- Desert land: Abbr.
- Modern site of ancient Caesarea: Abbr.
- Acre's land: Abbr.
- It's on the Medit.
- Acre's place: Abbr.
- Neighbor of Jor.
- El Al destination: Abbr.
- Foe of Hezbollah: Abbr.
- Haifa's land: Abbr.
- Land on the Med. Sea
- Mt. Tabor's country: Abbr.
- Sinai borderer: Abbr.
- Acre's locale: Abbr.
- Country whose national anthem's title means "The Hope": Abbr.
- Land that's around 16% Muslim: Abbr.
- Home of the Ramon Crater: Abbr.
- Mount Carmel's locale: Abbr.
- Big exporter of diamonds: Abbr.
- U.N.-created land: Abbr.
- Maccabiah Games setting: Abbr.
- Its highest mtn. is Meron
- Mideast land since 1948: Abbr.
- Land that's largely desert: Abbr.
- Neighbor of Jordan: Abbr.
- Where Oskar Schindler is buried: Abbr.
- Tel Aviv's home: Abbr.
- U.N. member since '49
- U.S. ally whose capital has the letters U-S-A in the middle of its name: Abbr.
- It has more museums per capita than any other country: Abbr.
- See 32-Down: Abbr.
- Home to Bar-Ilan Univ.
- Non-Eur. U.S. ally
- Mount Zion?s land: Abbr.
- Land south of Leb.
- Haifa's country: Abbr.
- Kibbutz locale: Abbr.
- Mediterranean land: Abbr.
- United Nations entrant of 1949: Abbr.
- A member of the U.N.
- Negev locale: Abbr.
- Winner in 1967: Abbr.
- Medit. republic
- Mideast nat.
- A neighbor of Eg.
- Middle East st.
- A neighbor of Leb.
- Nat. of Tel Aviv
- Neighbor of Syr. (3)
- Shamir's rep.
- Haifa cit.
- Where Tel Aviv is: Abbr.
- Locale of Acre: Abbr.
- Mideast rep.
- Begin's land: Abbr.
- A neighbor of Syr.
- Dayan's land: Abbr.
- Neighbor of Syr. and Eg.
- Rep. bordering Lebanon
- Kibbutz land: Abbr.
- Haifa is here: Abbr.
- Eastern Medit. country
- Rep. since 1948
- Mount Carmel's locale: Abbr
- Mideast land since 1948: Abbr
- Maccabiah Games setting: Abbr
- Country with a blue-and-white flag: Abbr
- Country whose national anthem's title means "The Hope": Abbr
- Where Oskar Schindler is buried: Abbr
- Frequent negotiator with the P.L.O
- Land that's largely desert: Abbr
- Land that's around 16% Muslim: Abbr
- Place to spend shekels: Abbr
- Big exporter of diamonds: Abbr
- It touches the River Jordan: Abbr
- Home of the Ramon Crater: Abbr
- Neighbor of Leb
- Mideast land: Abbr
- UN member since 1949
- Mt. Carmel locale, briefly
- Med. nation
- Country on the Mediterranean: Abbr
- Tel Aviv's land: Abbr
- A neighbor of Syr
- A neighbor of Leb
- Nation on the Medit. Sea
- Nation on the Med
- Mideast nat
- Acre's land: Abbr
- Tel Aviv's country: abbr
- State since 1948: Abbr
- Leb.'s neighbor
- Jordan neighbor (abbr.)
- El Al home: Abbr
- Desert land: Abbr
- U.N. member since 1949: Abbr
- Rabin's land: Abbr
ISR may refer to: