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Usage examples of "ismaili".

Do you have any idea what an Alawite or an Ismaili or a Shiite is saying this month beneath what he appears to be saying?

Did I tell you that I made it a point to do a little fieldwork among the Ismaili passengers after that little discussion of ours?

Oh, the hours I endured while he read Ismaili scripture to me, trying to convert me!

They flitted over Ismaili fedayeen bent on murder and utterly careless of life.

Sinan removed himself to a cult headquarters in Alamut, where he pursued the mystic doctrines and tactics of the Ismaili Assassins.

The fearless Ismaili Assassins, seeking sure reward in the afterlife, screamed the name of God and flung themselves into the midst of the enemy, blades flailing.

From that moment, Ismaili Baruk was a new man, and he had only one goal: to proclaim his vision until its power would inspire all of Egypt.

My alma mater, the Collegium Ismaili, was the finest university on Earth.

When I was at Collegium Ismaili, the biology department examined bacteria every day, and I never heard them mention nanites.