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island universe

n. (context informal galaxy archaic English) A galaxy

Usage examples of "island universe".

A whole island universe seemed to be whirling dizzily before my eyes.

Every one of them is an island universe containing perhaps a hundred billion suns.

Torlos of Nansal, that planet Arcot had discovered on his first voyage across space, far in another Island of Space, another Island Universe, was not constructed as are human beings of Earth, nor of Venus, Talso, or Ortol, but most nearly resembled, save in size, the Thessians.

He said: `We are, each of us, an island universe in a sea of space.

He said: We are, each of us, an island universe in a sea of space.

Since they had originally headed out along the narrow diameter of the lens-shaped mass of stars that forms our Island Universe, they would reach the edge soon.

A Cardiff Giant, not even remotely human, something cold and breathing, defying Mendelian theories, defying heredity, a creature from another island universe.

Once, a preposterous notion tried to haunt him, he would have been reluctant to help import the humanoids to serve the virgin planets of another island universe.