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Isherwood may refer to:

Usage examples of "isherwood".

James Isherwood was surprised since, in his experience, most agents were working for a 10 per cent cut.

It was, however, an ambitious scheme because no one had ever done anything like this before and Isherwood was not sure that the Stock Exchange would even accept a company whose income consisted solely of music written by two young men with no proven track record: what if they dried up, what if they argued, what if they veered off in a non-commercial direction or, even worse, what if one of them had an accident or died?

Every merchant bank that Isherwood approached refused even to consider the idea of supporting an application to the Stock Exchange.

Acting together with a firm of City stockbrokers, Goodman and Isherwood drafted a letter to the Stock Exchange.

He remained incommunicado until several days after the shares entered the market, leaving Isherwood to make all the decisions by himself.

James Isherwood was fearful that adverse press comments might have a disastrous effect on the notation, and indeed, Frederick Ellis, the chief financial editor of the Daily Express, strongly advised his readers not to buy Northern Songs shares.

At the time James Isherwood was holding substantial sums of money for both George and Ringo so he decided to buy 25,000 shares for each of them at the original issue price of seven shillings and ninepence.

As a final pilgrimage I had gone with my ailing father down to Southampton Docks to throw lumps of coal at Auden and Isherwood as the two cowards had set sail for America, just ahead of the Second World War.

Spender and Isherwood standing by the broken torso of a bombed statue.

Peter went in, and asked the girl at the desk if Miss Isherwood was staying there.

It was too much work to write out his full name of Isherwood Williams, and everybody knew him by his nickname.

Only after a few seconds did he realize that he himself was Isherwood Williams.

Coscripted by Christopher Isherwood, it takes enough liberties to almost qualify as a variation, but is wonderfully literate and contains some of the most beautiful photography that has ever graced a science fiction film.

Auden put it in his letter to Isherwood, at the heart of a city block the whole of which subsequently passed into the hands of New York University, was razed, and now forms the site of the massive Levine School of Applied Meteorology.

I hope you moved to Santa Monica and met Christopher Isherwood, and set up a retreat in Big Sur.