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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Irresistibly \Ir`re*sist"i*bly\, adv. In an irresistible manner.


adv. In an irresistible manner.


adv. incapable of being resisted; "the candy looked overwhelmingly desirable to the dieting man" [syn: overwhelmingly, overpoweringly]

Usage examples of "irresistibly".

Some of the songs, or himines, were religious, and they were especially beautiful, the deep basses of the men mingling with the altos and thin sopranos of the women and forming a combination of sound that irresistibly reminded one of an organ.

He was fond of being noticed and petted, stretching out his limbs in succession to be scratched, drawing himself up so that his ribs might be reached by the finger, closing his eyes during the operation, and evincing his satisfaction by grimaces irresistibly ludicrous.

Instead of following the service, he was irresistibly drawn to a study of the pastor from whom the clergy in Limoges expected the conversion of the criminal.

The unspoiled sweetness that was ever a part of Alcuin was part and parcel of his charm, and irresistibly seductive to the oversophisticated palate.

You know, Lucius Cornelius, there are definitely times when Scaevola reminds me irresistibly of the younger Scaurus Princeps Senatus!

Some of them found themselves blindly pelting for the stairs, keeping the Sigs back with a crush of bodies, others spilled out irresistibly onto the street, providing her and Lew with cover.

With stereos as models, we may progress irresistibly to that high control of our environment in which humanity exults on Earth.

As at Tilsit Rostov had not allowed himself to doubt that what everybody considered right was right, so now, after a short but sincere struggle between his effort to arrange his life by his own sense of justice, and in obedient submission to circumstances, he chose the latter and yielded to the power he felt irresistibly carrying him he knew not where.

They would creep irresistibly from the moist craters of the iceteroid impacts, proliferating relentlessly amid the storms and earthquakes of terraformation, surviving the floods as permafrost melted.

It was the ultimate experience in American hostility, but perhaps it was also the ultimate experience in American togetherness, too, for the drivers and families who died inside their cars were not left behind or abandoned, but irresistibly pushed forward by the crushing metallic weight of the living refugees behind them.

She was only an exaggeration of what the other girls all knew they could expect themselves to one day become, and so, embarrassed and ashamed of their own fascination, they stole glances, took furtive glimpses of her, were irresistibly drawn to the sight of her bare flesh--of the dark smudge of hair in her armpits and on her ankles and between her legs, of her milky, blue-veined breasts floating, cloudlike, in the big cups of her thick-strapped rubber and wire and nylon bra, of the firm mound of her belly, her rounded shoulders, the damp doughy creases in her neck, her meaty arms, her bare skin, clear and creamy--as she changed back into her school clothes again at the end of the physical education class.

He would require extensive dermabrasion to restore the smoothness and tone to his skin, to be as irresistibly kissable as he had been before.

Half a dozen disintegrators concentrating on one point were irresistibly, though slowly, eating away the remaining inches.

His criticisms both of the war as it had been conducted and of the army organization as it persisted were irresistibly penetrating.

The bodice of her dress, a buttercup yellow, was a gay spot ofcolour that drew Clinton's eye irresistibly.