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n. The quality of being irreplaceable; inability to be replaced; (context frequently English) uniqueness.


Usage examples of "irreplaceability".

Nietzsche mourns the loss of `man's belief in his dignity, his uniqueness, his irreplaceability in the scheme of existence'.

There were so many things she'd never done and so little time to reflect on the things she had-the harshness of it hit her in an instant: the miracle that was life, the irreplaceability of each moment.

Nietzsche mourns the loss of 'man's belief in his dignity, his uniqueness, his irreplaceability in the scheme of existence'.

If anyone could convince him of his irreplaceability, it would be she .

If anyone could convince him of his irreplaceability, it would be she … and Sir George knew from intimate personal experience just how unscrupulous she could be in framing her arguments when she knew she was right.