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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Age is an irrelevance for most jobs.
▪ Meanwhile, three other candidates demonstrated for a national television audience their growing irrelevance to the struggle for the nomination.
▪ Moral philosophers often ignore empathy as though it were an irrelevance outside their province, a matter for psychology perhaps rather than philosophy.
▪ Pensions policy accompanied long-term labour-market trends, which increasingly confirmed the economic irrelevance of elderly workers.
▪ So, the political irrelevance of our subjects did not diminish our desperation.
▪ The irrelevance of such an attitude is obvious.
▪ What can I say in answer to this charge of irrelevance?
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1735, from irrelevant + -ance. Earlier in the same sense was irrelevancy (1590s).


n. lack of relationship with the topic at hand; lack of importance.


n. the lack of a relation of something to the matter at hand [syn: irrelevancy] [ant: relevance]

Usage examples of "irrelevance".

The single, brief scene in which a missionary appears only underscores the irrelevance of Christianity to Wang Lung and his family.

Poet Laureate Lattimore was hauled out of irrelevance by President Roosevelt - on the recommendation of Soviet agent Currie - and sent to advise Chiang Kai-shek from 1941 to 1942.

I did not believe the scientists' depreciations of my experiment, yet belief was of no avail here, but only proof, and I resolved to set about establishing that and thus raise my experiment from its original irrelevance and set it in the very center of the field of research.

Where it says right here in the decree the district judge and counsel for plaintiff both overlooked the irrelevance of their defense?

The left's Poet Laureate Lattimore was hauled out of irrelevance by President Roosevelt - on the recommendation of Soviet agent Currie - and sent to advise Chiang Kai-shek from 1941 to 1942.

The conversation infuriated him with its irrelevance, and the shepherd's pie that Judith had prepared especially for Belthainn Eve was as tasteless and unchewable in his mouth as wood.