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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

an erroneous word that, etymologically, means the opposite of what it is used to express. Attested in non-standard writing from at least 1870s (e.g. "Portsmouth Times," Portsmouth, Ohio, U.S.A., April 11, 1874: "We supported the six successful candidates for Council in the face of a strong opposition. We were led to do so because we believed every man of them would do his whole duty, irregardless of party, and the columns of this paper for one year has [sic] told what is needed."); probably a blend of irrespective and regardless. Perhaps inspired by the colloquial use of the double negative as an emphatic.


a. (context proscribed nonstandard sometimes humorous English) regardless, irrespective.


adv. regardless; a combination of irrespective and regardless sometimes used humorously


Irregardless is a word commonly used in place of regardless or irrespective, which has caused controversy since the early twentieth century, though the word appeared in print as early as 1795. Most dictionaries list it as nonstandard or incorrect usage, and recommend that "regardless" should be used instead.

Usage examples of "irregardless".

Rydor carried himself with dignity, and she had no doubt the council would see him for the man he was, irregardless of how he was dressed.

They would just keep coming, irregardless of casualties, uncaring of losses, blindly following orders.

So irregardless of how improbable you find it, you count your lucky stars that they were all outside.

Anyway, he says cowboys was the plague of the range, irregardless of where they come from.

My husband thinks no woman can be a good catholic and not have children irregardless of the pain.

Not just the way she looked, which was okay in any language, but the kind of dame she was and the way she backed him up, and irregardless, too.

An AMNAT Minuteman can hold an absolute maximum of eight MIRVs irregardless of whether the titanic jockstrap little LaMont Chu promoted out of the sedated Teddy Schacht's gear bag on the bus Friday night can hold thirteen dead tennis balls.