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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Irrefragable \Ir*ref"ra*ga*ble\, a. [F. irr['e]fragable, L. irrefragabilis. See Refragable.] Not refragable; not to be gainsaid or denied; not to be refuted or overthrown; irrefutable; unanswerable; incontestable; undeniable; as, an irrefragable argument; irrefragable evidence. -- Ir*ref"ra*ga*ble*ness, n. -- Ir*ref"ra*ga*bly, adv.

Syn: Incontrovertible; unanswerable; indisputable; unquestionable; incontestable; indubitable; undeniable; irrefutable.


adv. In an irrefragable state or condition.

Usage examples of "irrefragably".

And therefore, with what he would always hold to be the most profound and irrefragably philosophic justification in the world, he hit it, thoughtfully and experimentally, upon the nose.

Yet, as the record showed, there were circumstances irrefragably indicating that some person had gained access to old Jaffrey Pyncheon's private apartments, at or near the moment of his death.