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The Collaborative International Dictionary

irredentist \irredentist\ n. an advocate of irredentism, especially a person in one country who advocates the incorporation of a region in another country related historically to his country.

Syn: irridentist.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1882, member of Italian political party which (after 1878) demanded the annexation of neighboring Italian-speaking regions (Trieste, S. Tyrol, Nice, Corsica, etc.), from Italian Irredentista, from (Italia) irredenta "unredeemed (Italy)." Related: Irredentism.


a. Of or relating to irredentists or their policies. n. Someone who calls for the seizure or recovery of territories or states currently subject to other countries; an adherent of irredentism.


n. an advocate of irredentism [syn: irridentist]

Usage examples of "irredentist".

Serbia in 1914, a great power guarantee which encouraged parts of the Serbian leadership to behave with criminal irresponsibility in their encouragement of irredentist claims against Austria, leading to a war which was ruinous for Russia, Serbia and the world.

Depretis, Nicotera and Crispi, formed his first cabinet in March 1878 with a Francophil and Irredentist policy.

After his marriage with the countess Elena Sizzo of Trent, he permitted the Irredentist agitation to carry the country to the verge of a war with Austria.

Jews were conspicuous as regime loyalists amidst the sea of irredentist nationalities tearing the Austro-Hungarian Empire apart.

Few in Mexico who entertain the zany irredentist vision of Nuevo California think such a process out carefully, and do not quite know what the eventual condition of the border zone between us will be - a greater Mexico, a simple assimilation of millions of brown gringos, or a new intermediary state of Mexifornia, with affinities to both countries and full allegiance to neither.

United States is a pushover for any ambitious or irredentist banana republic.

We had been told that the Greeks were demoralised and corrupt, that they would desert to fight on our side, that the war would be a Blitzkrieg that would be over in seconds, that northern Greece was full of disaffected irredentists who wanted union with Albania.