n. a strong spontaneous and irrational motivation; "his first impulse was to denounce them"; "the urge to find out got him into trouble"
Usage examples of "irrational impulse".
I found it hard to keep my mind on his words, and when I finally excused myself from his company, it was almost a relief to leave him, before I could give in to the irrational impulse to betray myself, to drop a word or a phrase that would hint to him that he had once known me before.
She felt an irrational impulse to strangle Navdaq, as if she were somehow the substitute for the enslaved races and it symbolized the conquerers.
You give into an irrational impulse--an atavistic desire--and it leads to inspiring the child with the strongest possible feeling of love and then subject yourself to the possibility of having to refuse that same childs first offer of herself and scarring her emotionally for life.
You give into an irrational impulse-an atavistic desire-and it leads to inspiring the child with the strongest possible feeling of love and then subject yourself to the possibility of having to refuse that same child's first offer of herself and scarring her emotionally for life.
For a moment Riker had to fight against an irrational impulse to wipe the look off Zarn’.
An irrational impulse urged Wenda to seize it tightly, prevent him from leaving.
Ro felt an irrational impulse to get out of her seat and walk the twenty kilometers or so to the sea, just to look at it.
Even here, even downtown, where the bones sprawled everywhere were those of strangers, I was wound up tight enough to burst, and ancient reflex fought with modern wisdom as I felt the irrational impulse to lift my head and cast about for an enemys scent.
Ish experienced an irrational impulse of his own, to order Red to open fire on the unfeeling bastard.
The police seemed to think Zipser was in the grip of an irrational impulse.
Yes, I agree completely, and now you don't exactly know what to say because you did something suddenly out of irrational impulse without thinking through to the final consequences.
And a more cynical part of me recalled that the same irrational impulse to flight had seized me when I had been chosen Shan King.