Crossword clues for ironing boards
ironing boards
n. (ironing board English)
Usage examples of "ironing boards".
It was meant to carry only two men, the rest of the space being taken up by candy, sporting goods, recorded music, canned hamburgers, board games, goofballs, soft drinks, Bibles, note paper, barber kits, ironing boards, and other morale-builders.
Presumably the Portawarren, being a false home rather than a real one, had no need of all that space to store vacuum cleaners, suitcases, hat racks, ironing boards, camp beds, tool boxes, old TVs, step ladders, wine racks and rowing machines.
The enormous, hot room was filled with rows of washing machines and ironing boards, and the loads of laundry that poured in were endless.
It was the same interesting, black felt headpiece she had worn, not just all summer, but for the past three summers--through record heat waves, through change of life, over scores of ironing boards, over the helms of dozens of vacuum cleaners.
There were also mops, vacuums, irons, ironing boards, and miscellaneous cleaning supplies.
It had been fitted up as a laundry room, with rows of washers and dryers and ironing boards.
There was plenty of room: his jacket looked as if it used ironing boards for shoulder pads.
We inched our way past stacks of old newspapers, towers of cardboard boxes and raw-wood fruit crates, jumbles of clothing, an upright piano painted with gray primer, three ironing boards bearing a collection of clock radios in various stages of disassembly.