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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Ironically, he had decided not to install a burglar alarm before the break-in occurred.
▪ At first the international press used it ironically, in quotation marks.
▪ But ironically, a storm that never materialized created the most controversy.
▪ For the first time the black market has been upstaged-and, ironically, brought into the official fold.
▪ His name, perhaps ironically, was Yorkie.
▪ The shift of power, ironically, is a throwback to the traditional House power structure.
▪ Which, ironically, seems to be helping the show.
▪ With both laughter and irritation Phoebe had returned to consciousness ironically amused at how nature could behave with such excessive romanticism.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ironical \I*ron"ic*al\, a. [LL. ironicus, Gr. ? dissembling: cf. F. ironique. See Irony.]

  1. Pertaining to irony; containing, expressing, or characterized by, irony; as, an ironical remark.

  2. Addicted to the use of irony; given to irony. -- I*ron"ic*al*ly, adv. -- I*ron"ic*al*ness, n.


adv. 1 (context manner English) In an ironic manner, in a way displaying irony. 2 (context evaluative English) (non-gloss definition: Used to draw attention to an ironic aspect of a situation being described.)

  1. adv. contrary to plan or expectation; "ironically, he ended up losing money under his own plan"

  2. in an ironic manner; "she began to mimic him ironically"

Usage examples of "ironically".

Ironically, coca, the one that had first piqued his imagination, was the last to have its alkaloid isolated.

Ironically for the ghost of great-grandfather Bruder, it was the same spirit that Heinrich himself had ended up by extending over his descendants in the house where Ett had discovered his spiritual kinship with the old man.

The overall structure, with its retaining walls, cloisters, massive pillars, and courtyards within courtyards, covering thirty-six acres, was virtually a carbon copy of the First Temple, which is to say, ironically, it was an ancient and thoroughly pagan Phoenician or Canaanite design.

Ironically, when the Seminoles were eventually driven from Florida, they were resettled in Oklahoma near the Cimmaron River.

When I saw her she condoled with me ironically on the mishap that had befallen my friend.

FIRST VOICE Now, in her iceberg-white, holily laundered crinoline nightgown, under virtuous polar sheets, in her spruced and scoured dust-defying bedroom in trig and trim Bay View, a house for paying guests, at the top of the town, Mrs Ogmore-Pritchard widow, twice, of Mr Ogmore, linoleum, retired, and Mr Pritchard, failed bookmaker, who maddened by besoming, swabbing and scrubbing, the voice of the vacuum-cleaner and the fume of polish, ironically swallowed disinfectant, fidgets in her rinsed sleep, wakes in a dream, and nudges in the ribs dead Mr Ogmore, dead Mr Pritchard, ghostly on either side.

The mythologized biographies of such saviors communicate the messages of their world-transcending wisdom in world-transcending symbols -- which, ironically, are then generally translated back into such verbalized thoughts as built the interior walls in the first place.

Ironically, her title was psychometrist, even though it was far removed from her ability as a feeler.

Richard Mellon Scaife was there, having traveled to Washington, ironically, to attend a White House dinner-dance that night, hosted by Hillary Clinton.

Ironically, on a world which had great amounts of settleable land and vast untapped natural resources, they were cramped for living room and starved for raw materials.

Europe and on the advantages of the highly maneuverable, virtually noiseless, and, it goes without saying, exhaust-free bicycle rickshaw for short-to-medium distances in cities, then spoke more generally on the revitalization of Europe by new blood from Asia, and finally, if only ironically, he invoked the capitalist concept of untapped markets.

We are ironically faced with a first-contact situation involving our own species, a situation fraught with the direst potential hazard to zonal stability and peace.

Humbert can be excused blindness to the anagrammatic appearance of Vladimir Nabokov pointing at him ironically.

Two Miami policemen recently were busted for allegedly trying to sell guns and badges to drug dealers, while several others are being investigated for crimes including murder, robbery and, ironically, home invasions.

The Revolutionists meantime had moved their base to Shanghai, ironically finding asylum under the extrality of the foreign Concessions.