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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
iron rations
▪ For Jaq by no means equated iron duty with iron rations.
▪ These would be my iron rations for a hard day's cruising the streets in Armstrong.
iron rations

n. (iron ration English)

Usage examples of "iron rations".

In the kitchen he had collected a few nourishing odds and ends, tinned or sealed, and dubbed them iron rations, for a desperate time.

He had quit trying to make iron rations palatable, when his turn in the galley came up.

A quick check: mapcase, handradio, binoculars, Holbars T-6 assault rifle, three 75-round drums of 5mm for it, medikit, iron rations, fighting dagger in his boot, bush knife across his back….

When he had recovered a little he made a meal off some of his iron rations then lay down in the shade of a tree.

Unable even to eat of the thresh'c'olt, the Posleen iron rations, brought to him by a cosslain, the God King alternately cursed the cowardly thresh who infested this world and the fate that had brought him and his people here.

And that dropped the price of horseflesh, dog, dace and other such iron rations, so that the poorer people of Paris could at least again afford to stave off starvation.

There should be a survival kit in that-means of making fire, iron rations, weapons-I Diskan slewed around on his rock perch.

Another lesson about his adversariestheir taste in food, even the generally bland iron rations, was abysmal.

So let's dump the iron rations and the rest of the government-issued junk and press on.

There were four shoddy little plastic bags as well, which probably contained our iron rations and water.