- "Some website posted this article ..."
- "In the newspaper it said..."
- "According to this book ..."
- "--- you loud and clear!"
- "--- the news today, oh boy ..."
- "___ the news today, oh no" (Beatles lyric)
- "___ the news today, oh boy ..." (Beatles)
- "__ you loud and clear!"
- '-- you loud and clear!'
- '-- the news today ...' (Beatles lyric)
- "_____ the news today, oh boy" (Beatles lyric)
- "___the news today..." (Beatles lyric)
- Lego, literally
- "___ you loud and clear"
- " . . . just what ___ in the papers": Rogers
- "According to this article ..."
- "___ the news today, oh boy"
- "___ the news today, oh boy . . ." (Beatles)
- "__ the news today, oh boy": Beatles lyric